Monday, March 2, 2009

The Roller Coaster

This is my very 1st post on my new blog and I have writers block, go figure! My daughter decided I need something to do with my time other than playing spider solataire. I have to admit that I have become addicted to that game but I hate it at the same time. It's amazing that I find myself with so much time on my hands but then again I am unemployed so maybe that explains it. Unemployment is a bitch!! You think you have things figured out and then somebody flushes your toilet and you have to start all over again. So while I am trying to redefine myself I'm finding that I don't want to! How many times must one "redefine"??? And while I'm on the subject does anybody else hate the virtual job search sites? it's endless!! I am continuing the job search because my husband is continuing his search for a large box that we can live in under the interstate or down by the river. You would think that by this time in our lives the roller coaster ride would be leveling out. Oy vey!! you never know when the roller coaster is going to stop but then when it does you're always disappointed!!

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