Thursday, March 5, 2009

The big wait

Why do I feel like I'm always waiting? Even when I logged on to my computer I got frustrated because I had to wait. Sometimes it seems that I'm just plain waiting! Is this what life is all about? Have I discovered the answer to the eternal question "what is the purpose of life"? This is a short list of waiting: in line, for the light to change, the water to boil, the rain to stop, on a birth, for Grey's Anatomy, for someone to arrive, for spring, for the next trip to the beach, for the washer to finish the final rinse, to dig in the dirt, at the doctor's office, for the weekend, for sex, on plants to grow, on the next visit with my grandson, for my husband to come home, for an answer to prayer, etc., etc., etc. With each of these waits there are sub topics of waiting that is just mind boggling!! Here's the really funny part - I'm a natural born porcrastenator!!! So am I at peace with waiting? No, but I'm better at it now than I ever have been!!

1 comment:

  1. instant gratification. don't worry, one wait will be over soon. Jack will be there in no time!
